I have a horrid headache.. again. My mouth hurts too.

25th? I doubt it. I hate it, but I doubt it. – wow my mouth hurts.

Work was ok, but I don’t know why I took any time off now. I’d rather be working 🙁

Other than that? I been kinda mad at my mom… because she was the one who made it so we aren’t going. Yet she was the one who was going to suprise my dad with me. Why did it work out this way?

I took some pictures of stuff today. I also got some old poems you can check out.. from like 93 to like 01, only like 5 hah but its something. The image to the side (as of the 9th) is my first poem that I can remember doing. We had to draw a picture too… it didn’t turn out bad.

Sabrina is the best thing that has happened to me. Bar none.

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