I woke up this morning, came online and started to smile. Unbelieveable how beautful Sabrina is every time I see her.
So today was my day to relax, and relax I did. I ate Krispy Kreme… Yum. I got to sleep in until about 11 and that was really nice compared to 6 of tomorrow. *tires not to think about work* So I talked to Sabrina (the perfect way to start a day) and I went to go look at a possible car for my mom to buy. It was a piece of crap, lucky my dad is an auto technician.
Ok. My dad.. I’m SO proud of him. A lot of people might think that I am only proud of him because he is my dad and I am just supposed to be. Thats not it, I really am. He (as of 2000) has been working on cars for like 20 years or so. A Ford Mercury Lincoln Technician. Not a mechanic, those are the grease monkeys that you see on movies or at your local jiffy lube. You know, the guys who have about as much of a clue about the car as you do. My dad was recgonized by Ford for being a Ford Senior Master tech, with only 800 of them in the US of A, it rocked. He was sent on a cruise in 2002, it was great. You have my dad, who for his whole life tires to make my life and my familys better. He works and slaves, gives everything he’s got in him. You couldn’t ask for anything better. He’s like.. Michael Jordan of cars. You know what ticks me off? He probably works harder in one day than all of these stars. Heck. It would drive me crazy, and then it drives me crazy when people don’t give him the respect he deserves. He should be the one making millions a year. He deserves it, I only hope one day I can make enough money to take care of my parents.
I’m done ranting. I swear.
Ok, so the car was like Far from home, cost like 10 bucks of gas to go to the car and back. On our way back we went to the bank and withdrew money. We got 20 bucks for free. It was 1/2 out of the machine, and it kicked out the money he wanted along with it. Pretty Cool eh? lol So we bonused 10 bucks. That’s what we ate with (the free money) and apparently they knew it at the resturant when they took the money… because I got sick off the food. So i’ve been trying to feel better, but blah. I think I need to drink fluids, yes. Fluids are good – drink and talk to Sabrina – heck I’ll be set.
Thats it for me kids. I work tomorrow, fun Mondays.I work Mon – Thusday. Have off Friday, work Saturday, have off Sunday. Repeat forever.
Will you update your poetry site again?