hey everyone

life is good, God is Great.

I’ve been sick the past week but I keep getting better. Work? Its good, nothing to complain about. I’m in a good situation.

If nobody had figured it out – I have been pretty busy. Keeping me offline – its a blessing I assure you. God rocks my world. Why didn’t I realize this earlier in my life? Like.. oh when I was born?

Born? Happy Birthday to Alicia (passed) and Emily (coming up)

Blazers traded Rasheed Wallace – (my x fav player) to Atlanta for two good players. I would type out there names but you will be hearing lots about them in the upcoming months / years. Don’t worry – it was a good trade. Infact they got some much needed character in return and good players. And just today Rasheed was traded to the Pistions. So he’s not on a bad team afterall.

In some ways I feel I have been left out of the life of all my friends online. I hope it doesnt happen, but if it does than it happened for a reason.

Lots has happened lately. Mucho.

I’m not going to spill everything on here like I have in the past. I gotta distance myself from doing that – its not good. Rather – if you wanna find out, I’ll leave it up to you to find out and ask me.

That it for now

God Bless!


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