
Today was busy. In Q, all day until 7. Then it quieted down.

Then.. uh… I had some person who works for Citi bank complament me on how nice I was… she was really impressed. heh

Uhm… other than that… I got nothin.

but Ms Emily FAM does

“Okay.. Ill try not to make this long because I know you don’t want any long explination or anything.

First off – I’m terribly sorry from everything within my heart. Please.. read this before you decide to delete it and at least hear my story out..

The only reason I was logged into your Xanga was because of the thing from last night. I wasn’t in the greatest of moods last night.. at all. heh – I even busted out crying last night for no reason. Anyways – when I posted on your xanga.. and 2 seconds later.. right after i posted.. my comment disappeared. i was going to ask you abouti t.. but didn’t want to bother you.. so that’s why I said it was nothing.. at all.. and you weren’t too happy either.. so I didn’t want to ask you anymore.. so.. I tried commenting again.. and nothing was wrong with that.. so I was like okay..

I was still reall curious and not in a good mood about what happened to the other comment.. so I decided – well.. lets find out whats up.. so I logged onto your xanga – and tried to see what happened.. if anything.. and nothing happened. or at least I didn’t see anything. Well I left it at that – but what I didn’t do was log out becuse I just closed everything out and didn’t open it again.

I looked onto xanga this morning to see if anything was up.. so I saw your post.. and then I went to Brandy’s page and wanted to post for her.. and say I’d pray for her and what not – well after I posted.. was then taht I realized.. I was still logged onto your xanga. Boy was I flipping out. I wanted to kill myself right then and there. I logged out right away.. and I did not know what to do.

I’m sorry. I really am. I didn’t mean to do it.. I didn’t want to log into your account like that.. but i was mad and not in a good mood and wanted to know what happened. I’m sorry. please.. i know you won’t trust me and what can I say – I can’t trust myself either. I just hope you’ll.. forgive me.. sometime.. or whenever you feel is right. I know I dont deserve to be trusted.. I dont know what got into me.. ahh.. I’m sorry.

I guess Ill leave it at that.. and itll be up to you now. There isn’t anything I can do.. or say.. or whatever else.. because this is it. I’ve never done anything like this before.. ever.

Sorry – I know that doesn’t cut it.. but.. I don’t know what else to say besides it. Ah well.. that’s it.. Goodnight. And Take Care..


heh – Get a grip woman.

On that note… Goodnight.

God Bless


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