Endless Presence

I sing in my room and dance to the music
I dance with tears in my eyes
Raising my hands, and lifting my voice
I do all I can to praise you…
For its not the singer, its the song that we sing.
I’m lost in the moment I dance with you.
For one brief moment, I get chills down my spine that tingle the depths of my soul
And in that moment I realize what I’m living for
I’m living off the memory of the love that died for me
For my bones like my soul – are empty without you inside.
I continue my walk of faith…
I can see myself, standing in the wind
With your presence lingering like a guardian angel.
I know your with me, yet I know I’m alone
I walk the streets of darkness, and fall into a depression
Being selfishly abused, I bathe in the self pity of my self destruction.
I can do nothing but pray.
All through the night, I create books of untold prayers
Delivered to the doorstep of your ears
And when the night is building the morning, I raise my hands in praise
I let him calm the waters, cool the nights, and keep building the faith.
Let everything that has breath, praise him.
I will praise you with every breath I take
And though I may fail and I know I struggle
I will continue to try to be like you
With your help, I might find the way.
The beauty of your heart, is more than my eyes can bare
Praise the Lord God Almighty
Thank you Father for everything you’ve given me.
When I look at you, I feel complete…
I feel whole, and finally at peace.
I love you Lord.
Let me praise you until I take my last breath.

Poem by J.A.D. © 2004

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