
Today wasn’t bad.. I’m not sure why. It should be a bad day by all standards. I went to work – I was in Q the whole day cept for the last 10 minutes (6:50) then I got 2 calls in 10 minutes. I was pretty busy.. to say the least.

Random Comment : People get me…. interested, so I search to view all standpoints of a subject. Sometimes changing my standpoint on things, moreover – making me know what I knew before – stronger.

We ate Black Angus tonight, maybe I’ll get the Mad Cow disease. In reality did you know its actually really hard for humans to get it? If they do – you are pretty much dead..(no cure) but overall… the parts that have Mad cow disease.. or the parts that carry the disease are cut off before they are cut up and shipped out. (I read up on it) Yummy Steak. Steak… plus A1 Sauce. mm mm Good!

Other than that.. I didn’t do much today. heh… its 9:30 but I think I’m gunna go to bed early, maybe watch some tv, but just try to take it easy. Unwind, and yeah. Sounds good – probably wont happen, but you never know.

God Bless everyone


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