Everyday life…
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We made ribbon wands and danced! The cat wanted one of her own but she had to do without.
We’ve been walking almost every day. Someone really doesn’t like wearing shoes. They always get tossed off and then I have to run around like a crazy person trying to find the missing one that was “accidentally” thrown out of the stroller.
We try to spot airplanes and birds and fun things when we are out and about. Most importantly we try not to step in dog poop (people forget to clean up such land mines).
And who doesn’t love building castles? This was her her first! She was very excited!
Life has been normal 🙂 thank heavens!
In a month and a half I will have a 2 year old!!!!!!
Well we are a week or so into 2016 and life just keeps chugging along. Days have been both crawling and speeding away. My girl is getting so big. I’m amazed at how grown up she already appears to be.
She’s reading and sing and dancing. She has her own opinions and thoughts. She loves telling stories and trying to get her point across.
Did I mention she absolutely adores the rain? If she hears it start to rain then she begs to go outside. If she doesn’t get to go out in the rain there are many many tears (I think she needs some boots).
And she loves her babies.
She loves music. She is always asking for another “song” or singing or playing on her toy piano. Even at this very moment she is singing and dancing.
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And now she wants to go for a walk… So I should get on that 🙂