
8 days/ ish

Tomorrow I will officially be 38 weeks and one week away from meeting my new kiddo. I’m excited and nervous and it feels like time has gone by way too fast! My doctor said I can even hold him while they sew me up! I wasn’t allowed to with Arabella. I’ll be able to nurse as soon as we are in our room! 

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Countdown to Adoption tickers

Yep! We are in the single digits and I’m officially in crazy person mode. We have been so busy this last week getting the house ready… we seriously had a ton to do!

As promised a photo of our completed vanity!

We completed our garage!!! All the drywall is nice and textured and pretty and then we added shelving so it’s officially organized! It looked like a train wreck filled with boxes and disorganization! Now it’s clean and organized and sorted through… we even vacuumed it out! Sorry I didn’t take a photo :/ I’ve been kinda missing the mark on taking photos lately! But the organization makes my heart happy! 

I’ve been organizing the spare closet a lot as I begin to collect diapers from clearance sales! 

We won’t be as lucky as last time when Huggies gave us a year supply!

Ps… Safeway is giving away a free pack of diapers on their app! I picked some up because you never know when you might run out! We plan on doing disposable and cloth just like we did with Arabella!

I don’t think we will be able to use some of these this time 😂😜
But we should be able to use all the ones Amy made😍

I so badly want to be organized! But it’s proving more difficult than I thought. We’ve been renovating so much that I am falling behind on normal things. I really just want the house to be in order! I know it will get there! It just takes a little longer since I have to pee every twenty minutes and can’t pick up anything on the floor without assistance haha. I joke but it’s true.

I do have an awesome helper! She may need her own cleaning supplies lol

On a positive note I caught up on all of my pen pal letters!!! And little projects!

(I never said I was an artist 😂🤣😂)

What else has been going on? Well we set up the bassinet! We replaced our broken book shelves (no more particle board)! I tried to get a changing table from OfferUp but it fell apart after we purchased it and we ended up just tossing it :/ I have a few more things on my to-do list for the rest of the week.

Oooh and I finally replaced my glasses… which I hadn’t done since Arabella was a newborn! Apparently I only like to see when I have newborns! 

Not much else is going on. We might sell the Prius because it fits two car seats pretty tightly. I LOVE the Prius but we may have outgrown it. 

Now…to answer a few quick questions that people have been asking:

  1. Still no name. 
  2. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am next weds. 
  3. I had my last doctors appointment before he gets here.
  4. Yes we registered (there is a link at the top of the page where the 3 lines are)
  5. Arabella is very excited
  6. No I don’t plan on having my tubes tied
  7. We are doing black, grey and white for the “theme” or anything “boy”.
  8. Yes Jason gets paternity leave!
  9. Yes we do love hand-me-downs
  10. Yes I am nervous for surgery but I’m excited at the same time
  11. If you want to see photos we will be posting on instagram and on here… we won’t be posting on Facebook. 

Any other questions? 🙂 

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