Let’s Talk About Churches….and why WEBSITES are IMPORTANT
So we’ve been here a while now. We’re north so it takes a while to get anywhere. We’ve been looking for a church but most of them are south of where we are and do not have Saturday services. Since Sundays are out of the questions because of our work schedule it has been very difficult to find one. But the worst part is that a lot of churches are difficult to find. They either don’t have websites or their websites are really poorly put together. One time I even showed up at a church an hour after the service started because the website wasn’t updated with the correct time. It was embarrassing and I never went back.
Websites are important in this day and age! I wish that more churches (small and large) utilized them more. I’ve talked to others who have moved and were looking for a church and encountered similar situations. The times on the website were incorrect, there weren’t times listed on the website, or there wasn’t a website at all. Times have changed and this is how people look for churches now. We read through mission statements, look at worship services, and find service times. So on behalf of everyone who has ever relocated to a new area… please churches….PLEASE have an updated website! We’re looking for you and we can’t find you!