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Next To the SeaShores

The ocean lately has been sparkly and perfect. Despite wishing I was in better shape so I could enjoy them more, I have no other complaints. We spend many of our weekends next to the seashore and tackling waves that sometimes tackle us. I really wish we could stay in SoCal. I think in my heart I am becoming an Angeleno. Not entirely because I am not a native to California but as a transplant. I can’t imagine being anywhere other than the west coast. I think it would be the straw that broke the camels back (me being the camel). I just don’t think I could withstand that kind of disappointment. I’ve had a lot of huge disappointments as life has not been easy too me from the start. But heaven knows I’ve been blessed beyond all measures. I’ve been given a lot too.

My old hard drive recently came alive to unlock countless priceless memories. Some I remembered some were triggered by the images I saw. It was nice. I remember that girl. I remember her drive. I remember her hopes and dreams. I remember her self esteem. But things change. People change. Life changes. I’ve been reading this great book about  finding happiness in everyday. It gives some pretty cool insight on simple things that make a difference. I’m only half way through it and I am captivated. Of course it says all of the same things that you hear all of the time… meditation, prayer, journaling, and making room for one thing that captivates you. At least 15 minutes of something you love, something that sets your mind free. I’ve really been considering playing the flute again. It’s been a while. But when I play without thinking I really love it. The issue is making time. And making myself stick to it without making it feel like a chore. I think that the book is onto something.  Scratch that I know that it is onto something because I have read the statistics. I know making time for such things makes an impact on your life.

I was also talking to an old friend today and we talked about having the lives we always wanted. We have dreams… but making plans to achieve them at our age seems almost impossible. Kutless has this awesome part in one of their songs that  says

“It doesn’t matter what you’ve heard
Impossible is not a word
It’s just a reason
For someone not to try”

Lately I’ve felt a lot of things were impossible. But talking to old friends and reading good books is kind of inspiring. Perhaps I’m not too old to still do the things I’ve dreamed of doing. I just don’t really know where to start. But I know life is going in the right direction. I just don’t know how long it will take to get me there!


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