I lift up my soul

Well it’s a brand new day. I didn’t sleep much last night. I couldn’t. I’m not sure why but it gave me a lot of time to toss and turn and think about the universe. I should be learning something with everything that has been going on. I know the main focus should be not to worry and to trust more in my Creator than myself. I have failed at it miserably. I remember back in high school I used to carry my bible with me everywhere. It was such a good habit and I’d like to start doing it again. AND NOT JUST ON MY PHONE. I want to carry one of my smaller bibles in my purse. As a reminder to read when things get rough, I have free time, or a lot is weighing on my mind. I think that carrying it with me in high school really helped me a lot. I remember in high school I used to seek refuge in the Psalms. I loved them as they reminded me of songs and prayers from real people who were going through real things, just like me. My favorite Psalms was Psalms 25. Well it’s actually Psalm 25 but I like to say Psalms because it reminds me of a mix between Spanish and English. Going to Mexico in ’03 really helped my faith blossom in many ways. It placed in my heart more than I could ever imagine. So in honor of that time of my life I say PSALMS (Not Psalm and not Salmos). It is the representation of something greater than myself in the simplest way I know. When I think of PSALMS 25 I remember those times when my faith grew so much. In high school I read psalms 25 when I needed encouragement. I read it like it was a prayer I was praying. It was one chapter I could relate to more than many of the others. It felt so real, like it was written directly to me about how I was feeling and what I was needing. I wanted so much to be close to Him and to live my life for Him. High school was some of the best years of my life but part of that was my faith. I think that faith makes life better, not because it is a crutch but because it helps us see things from a different perspective. It helps ME focus on something other than ME. I really need that. When I focus on myself and my situation too much I feel like everything is crashing down. It is completely out of my control and I feel like I can’t handle it. The truth is that I cannot handle a lot of things on my own… but I can with Him. It is a strength so beautiful and powerful because of the LOVE.  My religion isn’t about rules or punishment or what not to do or what to do… my religion is about  a love so deep that we can’t even really understand it.

Sacrifice. Mercy. Forgiveness. Humility. Peace. Compassion. Selflessness.  I think that sums it up. 

I found this prayer today based on Psalm 25 and I really liked most of it. I gathered it from this bible study WEBSITE I thought I could share it. I have edited it a little.  But if you want to read the original just click on the link.

Lord Jesus, I lift up my soul to you. Because I trust in you, keep me from shame at your coming, so the enemies of the cross will have no reason to celebrate. Thank you for this grace to all who trust in you. Make your way clear to me and instruct me in that way; lead me in your truth, and instruct me, God my Savior: I continually and expectantly wait for you. Remember, my Jesus, your tender mercies and your lovingkindness; for they are perpetual. Remember not the sins of my youth, or my recent transgressions: remember me Lord, according to your mercy, for the sake of your goodness.

Lord, you are good and upright; therefore you instruct me in your way even though I am a sinner. You guide the humble in justice; and teach the humble your way. All of your paths Lord are lovingkindness and truth unto those keeping your covenant and your testimonies. Because of your name, Lord Jesus, pardon my many sins. I want to be among those who fear the Lord because I love Him, and have your direction for the way I should choose. Keep my soul in prosperity, and may my offspring inherit the earth. Bless me Lord, with your secret counsel and the manifestation of your covenant. I will continually look to you Jesus, to draw my feet out of the snare.

Turn toward me in grace Lord Jesus, for without you I am lonely and afflicted. The troubles of my heart have been multiplied in this fallen world; deliver me from my anguish. Consider my affliction and my toil; and forgive all my many sins. See my enemies who oppose your way, for they have been many, and with violent hatred they have hated all that I am, even though I  belong to Christ. Keep my soul, and deliver me; let me not be put to shame, for I have taken refuge in you. Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on you. Come quickly.  Amen.

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