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Be the Hero You Always Wanted

I’m in the process of writing out my relationship with my parents… ha! Wow I guess I’m actually a Psych Major now! It’s interesting evaluating everything. Sometimes it’s difficult to put into words but I’ve been doing the best that I can. Tonight as I write out my relationship with my family I come across more holes than I imagined. There are a lot of things that I just don’t have an opinion on that I am supposed to have an opinion on. Mostly though… it’s writing itself without much thought. I figured that it would be a more difficult paper than it is. Really it’s just me writing out my thoughts on my family. But it’s also me remember everything from the last 23 years and 11 months. I started living a lifetime ago… and can hardly believe just how much I have experienced, how much I have seen. Life is simply a miracle. It’s a miracle that I have been wrestling through since day one. 

Many believe that these questions that are asked are silly or even unimportant but the more that I go through them (like it or not) the more that I realized… the questions become the answers. It is here that I am able to identify with my past and proceed through my life with healthy progress. Every day is a day to grow, to learn, to heal and to keep moving forward. I do not look at my past experiences as a tragic and devastating start but rather an inoculation for the world that I would one day be exposed to. Through these inoculations I have begun to conquer the world and make improvements in life and hopefully inspire those around me. I believe that I am capable of anything… despite what others have said. My stubborn personality will not let me quit… even when I become discouraged. 

Life has just been one journey after another. No real regrets… just inoculations. I believe that I am prepared for more than I could ever imagine. I believe that I am immune to obstacles that once stood in my way. A friend of mine always says “Be the hero that you always wanted.” I like that. Take all of these characteristics that you saw in your hero… and live them out to the best of your ability. Don’t mope… don’t let angry feelings fester… don’t hate the world because you can’t control it! Just be. Be the best person with compassion and love and integrity and perseverance that you can be. Don’t let your circumstances or your experiences discourage you or define you.

Hmmm… psych major huh. Interesting!

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