Sunrise & Mad Insomnia


 There is something amazing about watching the sunrise… even after a night of restless sleep. It is here that though my eyes are heavy they can see more clearly than most other moments. There is something fascinating about seeing the moon disappear into the sky. Seeing night change to day gives a new perspective and evidence of a new start. It is really an eye opening experience to watch the sunrise. The sky turns bright colors Now don’t get me wrong I find myself fighting exhaustion. I have no idea why my insomnia has returned. It was gone for a while.  However, its return has brought a stinging to my eyes. I try to focus on things other than discomfort… pain is in the imagination (or so I tell myself). Its no wonder that my immune system has decided to take a turn for the worst yet again I blame it on the season and not the lack of sleep. 

Anyway I digress a million times. I can’t think clearly. I’ve been awake on and off for the last 8 hours and up since 5am. I feel kind of hazy yet excited to start the new day. And what better way is there to start the new day than to see God paint the sky with bright colors and  with a banner proclaiming that today is new. No one sunrise is like any other… I find that the days of my life are the same. So many opportunities are available. If yesterday was horrible I discard it and start new… if it was wonderful I use it as groundwork and continue my journey. Well I think that I should shower or eat or do something a little more productive rather than ramble on in unreadable text.

Love and peace,


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