As I pace up and down…


Current mood:exhausted

Sleep escapes my unlacing breath…
Insomnia soars through my cerebral veins.
I simply enough cannot sleep.
I try to walk it off. I lay back down and I try to dream.
I toss and I turn. A million thoughts continue to run through my mind.
Maybe I need a sedative. I hate drugs, I hate chemicals.
I don’t even like taking an Advil. My eyes are heavy but my mind is fast.
They begin to burn from dryness, from wakefulness. I continue to toss and turn.
So I walk the halls to try and walk off my thoughts… it doesn’t work.
I put on my iPod and walk the block a few times.
One O’clock. Two O’clock. Three O’clock… and Four.
I stumble back in just long enough to take a quick nap on the floor.
Five O’clock. Six… Seven. My day begins. I pace. I think. My mind races.
I cannot concentrate. The things I love more than anything begin to frustrate me.
Insomnia is a cure for happiness… it robs me of my passion. It exhausts me from my day. My passions are hard to grasp. I cannot complete a simple task. I know the insomnia would end… if only I could quit thinking, quit pacing, and quit racing for just a moment. Insomnia would end. Vulnerability would seize to exist. I would be a normal human being again… free from spacing out of every day life. My eye lids would feel weightless. My body would bounce with energy and excitement.  My muscles would heal from their excessive daily use. I would not grow weary… strength would pour from my very being… if my InSoMnIa would melt away;  If I could calm my thoughts for just a quarter of a second. But instead I pace up and down…………….


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