
Transitions are funny things. Sometimes you love them; sometimes you hate them; some are unnecessary; while others are quite necessary. I find myself amidst a plethora of both parochial and constructive transitions. And the truth is that I have no idea where I am going. I’m twenty-two years old for another couple of months and as I stood on the delayed max today all I could think was… where is this road going to take me! I of course wasn’t thinking about the solid and material road that I was on but the one most modern day individuals call life. So today on my way to work I had a gut feeling that it would be different. I knew that it was going to be a challenging day for starters because of the max scare moments earlier so I prayed for strength. I didn’t know why… I just knew that I was going to need it. As I passed by Lydia (that’s what I call this lil’ sailboat I pass everyday) I felt a surge of excitement. She was back from her trip. Then I headed to work. It’s been different there the last few weeks. Very few things can really to get me to crack but after a number of run ins at about 11am today I told one of my co-workers that it was time for me to start looking for a new job. It’s scary let me tell ya… I’m nervous as all get out. But I think that it’s the right thing for me… stupid. I can’t believe those words even left my mouth. But this place has taken from me what little self-worth I once had. It has made me feel insignificant and unintelligent… and I don’t want to feel that way. I had enough! So today a new journey starts and tomorrow a new adventure. Me and Lucy and Zee are about to clime many mountains. So please keep me in your thoughts as these new transitions take place. Especially since there are a lot of things that I need right now but do not have the finances for and I’m about to get a new roommate whom I do not know. Like I said… adventure. What’s next… skydiving, whitewater and cliffhanging? Well I’m in a rush again.. my lunch is just about over…I’ll tell you all the details later if you’d like to know them…