Today on facebook I played a game where I liked someones status and they gave me a year to describe the monumental moments. I was given the year 2004. As I began trying to place it in my status I realized I had nowhere near enough space to discuss what went on that year.  I frantically tried to explain my year in under 250 characters. I got in the basics but in no way covered the year. That’s why I’m writing this… to give it the time it deserves and to reminisce the best I can.

The end of my senior year of high school began in 2004. I was a social butterfly and a workaholic wrapped into one. I loved doing everything but few things still remain as memories in my brain about that year. I was excited for change, challenge, and adventure. I took SAT’s and failed my expectations beyond all comprehensions. I’ve never liked tests but that was the year where they plagued me the most. But tests were not monumental memories of 2004… they were simply background noise.

In 2004 I answered the phone to one of the most horrifying calls of my youth. A police officer was on the other line and they told me that someone needed to go down to the hospital and identify my brother, who was in a horrible car crash. We didn’t know how bad it was, we just knew it was bad. I was in “Guys and Dolls” at that time and had a performance that night. My dad dropped me off at the high school and then headed to the hospital. He said it was best that I just keep things as normal as possible until we know anything. I was devastated but knew that he was right. Later I would find out that it was really bad… that he was in a coma and that the odds were against him. If he did make it he wasn’t ever supposed to walk.

One of my teachers decided to be less sensitive about the topic. I was supposed to have purchased a book but wasn’t able to because I lived in the middle of nowhere and didn’t have my drivers license. My parents were at the hospital or work. A book was the least of our worries. The teacher lashed out at me to make me an example in class. She asked why I didn’t have my book and when I responded that my brother was in the hospital in a coma and I wasn’t able to get it she told me that “shit happens and you need to get over it and get to work.” I asked to be excused and she wouldn’t excuse me. I asked again and she told me no that I had to deal with my issues in class. I still remember people staring at me, wondering what I would do. I asked a third time and again she told me no. And for the first time in my high school career I defied my teacher. I got up and walked straight to the principals office. Our principal, Mr. Davis, was free and as I walked into his office I began to cry. I didn’t tell him everything. I just told him she had been inconsiderate and insensitive to my situation. I spent the rest of the period in the office waiting for time to pass. The next day the teacher issued me an apology. I know I could have gotten her fired but I also knew that emotions are irrational and that getting her fired was unnecessary.I went on with life.

Guys and Dolls ended up being my last play in high school. It was a bittersweet experience and I knew that I would miss my friends. The moment that I knew things would change was during my last performance. All of these people would soon be a memory and I would turn into a completely different person. I was both excited for change and dreading it at the same time. I had a life there and it was hard to leave it.

Weeks later I graduated high school. I walked beside my longtime best-friend, Jacquee. I sang my last Vocal Jazz Choir song and I attended my senior trip.

I spent the summer hanging out with Jacquee (experiencing our first roadtrip together). I was there when she got her first speeding ticket and we kept it a secret from her parents. We were sure they were going to kill her. Later Jacquee did tell her parents and they didn’t kill her. The other part of the summer I spent packing for college. I was so excited that I forgot to be scared. In August my sister dropped me off. I spent my first night lying in bed wondering if it was the right choice. I to this day still do not know if it was. College was an interesting experience. I joined Delta Sigma Rho, Campus Ministry, and tried out for a play.

In 2004 a high school friend was murdered, a family friend committed suicide, and my cousin lost her 3 month old baby to SIDS. I worked 2 jobs and forgot about having a social life. I couldn’t afford a social life.  I did make a few friends in my dorm and even flew to California to visit my friend Cassi, who helped me get acquainted with Amber. Who would have known that 2004 would have been so important?!?!

Before I knew it… it was 2005. And well.. that’s another story!


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