So I’m at the Xtreme bean
I have been at Orien’s house for the past two days. It has been interesting.
I got up at like 4:30am. Wow was that early.
The flight was… small. The airline that I was flying was not big, it was quite small and short. Like I had to duck the whole time I was in the plane because it wasn’t tall enough for me to stand up straight in. It also got hot in the plane on the way to Arizona. It was interesting, and he didn’t do a great job on landing because he had to straighten himself out at the last moment before he landed.
I landed and got my bags and met up with Orien.. right after that we went to go see Narnia. It was a good movie, a very good movie. After the movie we went to his house, he got me a bible diary type thing. I got him a study Bible (he has been coming to me with questions for quite sometime now, so I figured it was the best thing) and some Star wars stuff.
Later on in the night I met Alex (his ex boyfriend) and their friends- that was interesting. The guy his hiding the fact that he is Gay from all of his friends, and nobody knows (I don’t know how) that Orien is gay. Yet through all of that throughout the night he would occasionally make a racist joke against whites. Why whites? He doesn’t like them and I happen to be… ‘white’.
Next day I slept until 11 and texted Tara. She was sleeping or something until like 3 or 4, so I didn’t meet up with her until 5 or 6, and at that time Orien was home from work. So last night we went to some mall and looked around and went to walmart (of all stores to go to) to look for a CD.
Today I took care of some errands I had to take care of… and 1/2 of those were done online (hence why I am at the extreme bean – Orien doesn’t have a computer or Internet). So right now I am going to be here until probably 7 o’clock at which time Tara gets off work.
I’ve been offered a place to stay at Tara’s … and I might take her up on that offer later on this week.
That’s all I have to update for now. Kaysie I would stop by and say hi, but I’m not sure when is good, if anytime at all. Maybe I’ll see you at church….
Lori, I have removed what we talked about in the email.
Updated : http://www.jshox.com
Take care, God Bless