Year: 2005


So I’m at the Xtreme bean

I have been at Orien’s house for the past two days.  It has been interesting.

I got up at like 4:30am.  Wow was that early.

The flight was… small. The airline that I was flying was not big, it was quite small and short.  Like I had to duck the whole time I was in the plane because it wasn’t tall enough for me to stand up straight in.  It also got hot in the plane on the way to Arizona.  It was interesting, and he didn’t do a great job on landing because he had to straighten himself out at the last moment before he landed.

I landed and got my bags and met up with Orien.. right after that we went to go see Narnia.  It was a good movie, a very good movie.  After the movie we went to his house, he got me a bible diary type thing.  I got him a study Bible (he has been coming to me with questions for quite sometime now, so I figured it was the best thing) and some Star wars stuff.

Later on in the night I met Alex (his ex boyfriend) and their friends- that was interesting.  The guy his hiding the fact that he is Gay from all of his friends, and nobody knows (I don’t know how) that Orien is gay.  Yet through all of that throughout the night he would occasionally make a racist joke against whites.  Why whites?  He doesn’t like them and I happen to be… ‘white’.

Next day I slept until 11 and texted Tara.  She was sleeping or something until like 3 or 4, so I didn’t meet up with her until 5 or 6, and at that time Orien was home from work.  So last night we went to some mall and looked around and went to walmart (of all stores to go to) to look for a CD.

Today I took care of some errands I had to take care of… and 1/2 of those were done online (hence why I am at the extreme bean – Orien doesn’t have a computer or Internet).  So right now I am going to be here until probably 7 o’clock at which time Tara gets off work.

I’ve been offered a place to stay at Tara’s … and I might take her up on that offer later on this week.

That’s all I have to update for now.  Kaysie I would stop by and say hi, but I’m not sure when is good, if anytime at all.  Maybe I’ll see you at church….

Lori, I have removed what we talked about in the email.

Updated :

Take care, God Bless


It has been a few days since my last post, I decided to tell you about a few things.

First is that I didn’t know it.. but..

Click on the image for a full page read.  I didn’t know!  It happened over two years ago, and it just points again to our society in whole.  Suicides are becoming a thing of normalcy and yet we as a culture like to look the other way. 

When we do find out about these types of things – we tend to not talk about it.  Is it really any surprise that we like to look the other way?  In looking his death up upon finding this out- it was one of the least publicized things that happened, it made fans of him so mad that they went on a spree making sites and dedicating it to him.  It wasn’t announced nationally or even on the AP until days after it happened.

Its not because they didn’t know about it.  A friend called and told the police it was happening, he died in a hospital.  It takes away place for excuse.

I found on my sites that I visited.

I also leave tomorrow, early in the morning.  Orien will be picking me up from the airport.  I decided to not call the HP people and have them take my laptop.  I think I’ll call them still, but probably not for a little while.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas, mine was good.  Can’t complain – I even caught the whole thing on my digi camera. 😉  (it takes video)

Previously on my site (December 2nd), I said there was a book that I was going to reccomend.  It is:  With No Direction Home: Homeless Youth on the Road and in the Streets

The background on this site.. is not snow.  Its Arizona… monsoonish.

Why can’t things like this be published more often?

If you are from Arizona, and you want to visit while I am out on that side of the earth, haha you can either email me ( Or call me.  Random fact:  As far as I know I have one friend who is waiting to see Narnia with me 🙂  A true friend.

Take care, God Bless


Yo yo yo,

Uhm.. a new way to start a post 🙂

so the last few days have been kinda crazy.


Christmas shopping in full effect.

People are pretty crazy, and the stores are loaded.

Anyway.. on the sports front

Johnny Damon … my buddy now… he is on the Yankees.

Choke on that all ya’ll Red Sox fans. 🙂

So, we got the Red sox best performing hitter on the Yankees now. I thought it was good – even if it was Damon. I guess I like the guy now.. I’ll have to work on that- I think seeing him in Pinstripes will do the trick.

Blazers have been losing… badly… to everyone. An example of that is being beat by the Phoenix Suns (2 weeks ago? in Phoenix) by 45 points. And by no means is Phoenix the same team they were a year ago.

In a few days I will be boarding a plane and visiting my people in Arizona. It should be good, I get to get… a lot of things figured out. Funny how it will take place in Arizona (ironic) but that’s life. Then I return and start school back up – with Tara flying home with me. (The seat next to me on the return flight)

During school this semester I pulled my Cum. GPA up to 2.99 and my semester GPA was 3.1 so that’s not too bad. I could have probably gotten better in a few classes, but they bored the heck out of me. This next semester is a tell tale. I have to take Math (everybody goes Awww, and then sighs) and I am no good at math. At all. So I hope to get a C in that class, any better is just a sweeter topping. I also have a Communications class where I have lots of presentations. (everybody gasps and acts scared) Yeah, that means I’ll get getting up in front of everyone and doing presentations. (BOO – Calm down people its okay) Other than that I should be fine.

Well I might not be able to email anyone or update this for a while, because yes.. my laptop has been acting up again and I’m not sure I am even going to take it to Phoenix – rather I think I will leave with HP and hope that the problem is finally fixed when I come back from my trip.

Merry New Year, Happy Christmas.

Uhm… that doesn’t sound right.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year 🙂

Reflect on all the things God has blessed you with throughout the year, through hardships and through the good times, you have your health (many of you) and even if you don’t.. you have your life to live.. and so much to be thankful for.

Updated :

Take care, God Bless



Not a whole lot has went on since I’ve last posted… but I’ll give a brief summary 🙂

Remember Allan? He pulled me to the side on Thursday (the last day for finals) and told me that he was sorry for how he had been acting the past few months.. and that we can hang out next semester.

I guess that’s what the ‘holidays’ brings out in people. Christmas.. hmm

Anyway.. today it felt like a winter wonderland. It was great, it snowed here in Portland. I liked it 🙂 Big fluffy flakes just falling down and it stuck on the ground, it didn’t just melt away. It won’t stay for too long, the forecast calls for rain next week – but it was still nice to see – and so near Christmas.

I also.. uh.. yeah. Kinda got sick. Not really sure with what or how, but you all know how that works. I also launched my store 😉 thats right.. a store. Click here

Anyway.. so I went to downtown Portland on Friday and saw the 12 days of Christmas with my parents (a store downtown has the 12 days and little animated scenes- its quite cute) and then went to Santa land. I went a day earlier with Jay, Billie Jo and Jack – but this time I went with my parents. Then we walked around Pioneer Square and saw the big 75 foot tree they had decorated for the city.

One thing I did with my friends but not with my family was go to see Christmas lights. It was nice – we even found this one street not too far from the school that decked themselves with lights. It was neat- around halfway they were giving out free hot cider and hot chocolate. Even a group of people singing songs (not Christmas songs, but like 80’s songs- don’t ask.. I don’t even know)

But other than that I’ve been enjoying the snow, I even mustered up enough of it to throw a few snowballs.

I think that’s all I have to update on for now. Have a great week.

God Bless, Pray Hard



so this whole past week has been about finals. I haven’t slept since Monday, and its almost Thursday. That’s funny!

I have done good for far on my finals, I am even going to get a better grade in one of my classes than I thought, but in Choir, the teacher is giving everyone a B, not A’s .. I’m not sure why, but it bothers me.

Anyway. Um… the break is coming up, like the day after tomorrow- that’s pretty crazy. Friday is almost here, and then I have a short while until Christmas, and then shorter until Arizona, and then even shorter until next semester starts.

It’ll be good.

What else has been new? I washed my car, its been nice and sunny here for a while now. It hasn’t been raining much… at all. It is kinda weird because this is the rainy season.

I had an interesting conversation with someone at Dennys. His name was Rob, I was with two friends from school who wanted to talk to him. He was homeless- but openly was too prideful to check into any type of shelter. He believes in God, but believes that religion is a crutch for the weak. Like a psychiatric. He went to church for 17 and 1/2 years and he hates it with a passion. He believes that Christian artists (singers or writers) need to be real, and use cuss words if they really want to reach the un-reachable audience.

It was quite the interesting conversation, the whole time I sat back, and let my friends talk to him, because he was also Gay. I’m not homophobic or anything, but I didn’t want him getting any ideas. Everyone seems to have a ‘you can believe what you want’ rule about everything now adays, very post-modern.

I wasn’t going to get into any further debates with anyone.. I was debated out. I had just been discussing various things, (baptism, speaking in tongues) to name a few. Interesting to see peoples different view points and then also to see what the Bible says. I don’t form an opinion- I let the bible speak, and I re-affirm that.

So that was mainly the reason why I didn’t get to sleep last night – we didn’t leave Dennys until 4ish, and then he started telling me how I had a nice face, nice body and looked good too. Something about being a stud….

Yeah. Wowzers.

Anywho. I overall liked the experience. I like hearing what people have to say, and sometimes hearing and not responding is what needs to be done. Sometimes people need to vent. He did look like he was high on a number of different drugs – (this all while every so often his eyes would roll into the back of his head for a moment and then come back down)

You shoulda been there.

I hope to have more experiences like this one. And more debates- if it gets people thinking and searching.

Update :

God Bless, Pray Hard


my life.  my words. background image