The Fight . part 1.
yestoday my frind BFF Korinna and i got in a fight about me playing with my BFF Amira i sade can you play with Amira and me you see she (Korinna) ONLY wanted to play with ME . NOT amira. as soon as Amira and i was on the trampaling (5 secones after i get there) she comes over and wants me to play with her and lave amira pritty much just dicching amira i sade um no i just got hear can you wate 10 min ? Korinna says no i was wateing 20 min at your house ( now i think she wated 5-6 min ) i say ples cus your my BFF .she says ok i will wate 10 min i say ok then we all go in to the
back yard now 5 min goes by and korinna says ok lets go it has been 10 min i say let me talk to her ples . ok but hurry up Korinna says . i talk for 2 min and she says (Korinna) NO lets go now.
talk more later -Arabella

so sad .